School Information

Office Information

Office Hours: 8 a.m.-4 p.m. 
Main Office: 708.614.4525 


Mrs. Megan Mitera, Principal 
Mrs. Delia Bienemann, Secretary
Ms. Shawn Hanik, Safety Clerk
Nurse Katie Morgan, RN


American School Bus

Sunrise Southwest Bus Company (Special Education)

Communications/School Information 

Emergency Temporary Housing Sites 


Zion Lutheran Church
17100 69th Avenue
Tinley Park, IL 60477 


Memorial School
6701 W. 179th Street
Tinley Park, IL 60477 


Breakfast/Lunch Payments


8:40 a.m.    -   Students enter building 
8:55 a.m.    -   Instruction begins 
3:35 p.m.    -   School ends 
11:45 a.m.  -   Half-Day dismissal 

Early Learning Morning Session
8:55 a.m. - 11:25 p.m. 

Early Learning Afternoon Session
1:05 p.m. - 3:35 p.m. 

Drop-Off and Pick-Up Procedures  

Lineup will always be indoors, no matter the weather. 


All walkers should enter and exit the front of the building. 

Car Riders Early Learning and Kindergarten (main entrance)

Use the drive-through lane in front of the building by entering from the west end by the Administration Building. Please form a single line by the sidewalk or on 171st Street. Parents may assist your students in and out. Older siblings also will enter/exit the main entrance.

Grades 1-5 Drop Off (back entrance)

Use the turnabout behind the building. Enter from the west end by the Administration Building and proceed to the turnabout entrance (second left turn). Please form ONE LANE and remain in your car. If students need help, please use the front drop off lane and park to assist the student. 

Pick Up

A single line should form beginning by the playground. When lining up, do not leave large gaps between cars. Cars will be dismissed in a single file. Please do not pull out of line to pass other cars. After the first wave of cars is dismissed, the next wave of cars should pull up as far as possible, stopping at the playground.

PTO Executive Board 

Melissa Santangelo, President 
Megan Combs, Vice President 
Melissa Sands, Secretary 
Jamie Bellik, Treasurer 
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