
Regular attendance is essential to learning. Illinois Law requires that whoever has custody or control of any child between 6 and 17 years of age (unless the child already graduated high school) shall assure that the child attends school regularly.

To ensure the safety of all students and to remain in compliance with state law, parents are required to notify the school office if their child will not be in attendance. This notification must take place within the first hour of school. 

When reporting an absence, call (708) 614-4525 at any time (you can leave a message outside of office hours) and provide the student's name, date of absence, and reason for absence. 

If notice is not received, Central will follow the following procedure until confirmation of the absence is received:

  • Call all contacts provided by the family to the District.
  • Call all emergency numbers provided by the family to the District.
  • If contact isn't made during the first two attempts, a District administrator or designee will notify local law enforcement to ensure the safety and well-being of the student.

Excused Absences (if verified by parent notification)

  • Illness (Doctor's note required after four consecutive absences)
  • Medical appointments
  • Funerals
  • Performing Taps at military honors
  • Religious holidays
  • Court appearances

Students are allotted eight excused absences per semester, all subsequent absences will be considered unexcused unless verified with a doctor's note.

If a student is absent, he/she will be permitted to make up any missed work, including homework and tests. The student will be permitted the same number of days as he/she as absent to turn in the work. The student is responsible for obtaining assignments from teachers.

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