Clubs and Activities

2023-2024 Clubs

Dinosaur Discovery

Kindergarteners will discover and share all about dinosaurs!
Sponsors: Mrs. Boccia and Mrs. Picchi
Grade: K
Dates: April 17 and April 24  ( 2024) 
Times: 3:45-4:30 p.m.

Directed Drawing

Students will have the opportunity to create drawings by following step by step directions.
Sponsors: Mrs. Boccia and Mrs. Picchi 
Dates: Fall: October 10, 12, 17, 19 ( 2023)
            Winter: January 23, 25, 30, February 1 (2024)
Times: 8-8:40 a.m.

Get Your Wiggles Out

Dance, stretch, and get your sillies out before school begins. We will be doing a variety of movement activities to help us be prepared and focused for a successful school day.
Sponsors: Mrs. Edwards and Mrs. Mendoza 
Grade: K-1
Dates: Thursdays- October 5, 12, 19 and Friday, October 27. 
Times: 7:55 - 8:40 a.m.

Fulton School Science Fair

Students will have the opportunity to explore scientific ideas that interest them in a low-stress environment, as well as offering them the opportunity to organize and share their scientific findings with a wide audience of fellow students, teachers, and family members. A student overview video and informational packet are included to inform students of the requirements to participate.
Sponsors: Mrs. Edwards, Miss Lopez, and Mrs. Eskra
Grade: K-5
Dates: TBD
Times: 3:45-4:45 p.m.

K-2 Coding Club

Kindergarten, First and Second graders, come join Mrs. Edwards, Mrs. Inczauskis, and Mrs. Mendoza for an introduction to coding. We will be using our iPads and playing fun games that involve learning how to code in order to make things work. In our coding club, your child will be learning and having fun with the basics of computer coding (a.k.a programming). They will use algorithms, loops, and other coding concepts to control the adorable little characters called Foos.
Sponsors: Mrs. Mendoza, Mrs. Edwards, and Mrs. Inczauskis 
Grade: K-2
Dates: Thursday and Fridays:  December 7, 8, 14,15, 21, 22
Times: 7:45-8:40 a.m

Storybook STEM

Join us for 1st Grade Storybook STEM! Come to enjoy a themed read-aloud followed by a fun culminating STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) challenge. Students get to be "makers" for the morning and will also have opportunities to practice essential skills.
Sponsors: Ms. Benedetto and Mrs. Piet
Grade: 1
Dates: Thursdays October 12, November 9, December 7, and January 11 
Times: 7:45- 8:40 a.m. 

Earth Angels

Become an Earth Angel with Mrs. Mendoza and Mrs. Inczauskis. Come learn about plants, animals and taking care of Mother Earth.
Sponsors: Mrs. Inch and Mrs. Mendoza
Grade: 2
Dates: Tuesday Mornings- October 3, 10, 17, 24, 31. November 7, 14, 21. 
Times: 7:45-8:40 a.m.

2nd Grade Text Talk Club

Students will build word awareness through Text Talk activities and track words to find the Word Winners!
Sponsors: Mrs. Kaiser and Mrs. Emmick
Grade: 2
Dates: Wednesdays- September 27,  October 4, 11, 18, 25
Times: 3:45-4:45 p.m.

Crazy 8s

A math club unlike any other! It offers unique, fun math activities that appeal to kids of all abilities. Examples include Glow in the Dark Geometry and Toilet Paper Olympics!
Sponsors: Mrs. Day and Ms. O’Donnell
Grade: 2
Dates: Monday group: September 11, 18, 25 and October 2, 12, 16, 23, 30.  Tuesday group: September 12, 18, 26 andOctober 3, 10, 17, 24, 31.
Times: 7:45-8:40 a.m.

Homework Club

Join Mrs. Shenouda and Mrs. Inczauskis for 2rd-5th Grade Homework Club to receive help with homework or just have a quiet place to work independently.
Sponsors: Mrs. Shenouda and Mrs. Inczauskis
Grade: 2-5
Dates: October 5, 12, 19;  November 2, 9, 16, 30; February 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 March 7, 21 April 4, 11, 18, 25
Times: 7:45-8:40 a.m. 

3rd Grade Coding Club

Do you like playing games? Have you ever had a good idea for a game or an app but don’t know how to code? Are you in 3rd Grade? Then, sign up for Coding Club!
Sponsors: Mrs. Adams and Mrs. Jackson
Grade: 3
Dates: April 15, 16, 17
Times: 7:45-8:40 a.m

Yoga Club

We will introduce students to the mental and physical health benefits of yoga. This will provide them with an expressive outlet, a path to healthy living, and a way to increase focus and reduce stress.
Sponsors: Mrs. Edwards and Mrs. Adams
Grade: 3
Dates: Fridays- April 5, 12, 19 & May 3 ,10, 17 
Times: 7:45-8:40 a.m


Participation in Chorus involves working as a team, developing musicianship and performance skills, and singing fun songs!
The Chorus will go on a community service performance field trip on Thursday, February 29, and also perform at Central Middle School on Thursday evening, March 7. Students will perform at our District Choral Festival field trip at Central Middle School on Tuesday, March 19! This major commitment of time and effort from November through March for rehearsals and concerts is truly a worthwhile experience.
Sponsors: Mr. Glase and Mrs. Adams
Grade: 3-5
Dates: Thursdays November 30 -  March 13, 2024
Times: 7:45-8:45 a.m.

Fulton Writing Club

This club will allow for students to work on their rough draft ideas (narratives, poems, short stories, informational pieces) and transform them into a piece that can be submitted to the district’s Young Author’s Writing Contest.  Students can share their writing with each other at the last session if they choose to do so.
Sponsors: Mrs. Emmick and Mrs. Secor
Grade: 3-5
Dates: Thursdays- January 11, 18, 25 and February 1,8 
Times: 3:45-4:30 p.m.

Spelling Bee Practice

Students will participate in Spelling Bee information session, Spelling Bee practice, and Fulton Spelling Bee. Two students will move onto the District Spelling Bee.
Sponsors: Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. Piet, and Mrs. Benedetto 
Grade: 3-5
Dates: TBD
Times: 8-8:40 a.m. or 3:45-3:45 p.m.

Readers' Theater Club

In this club, students will read and act out a variety of reader’s theaters and share new ideas with their friends after school.
Sponsors: Mrs. Bottom and Ms. Brems
Grade: 3-5
Dates: Thursdays- February 15, 22, 29. March 7.
Times: 3:45-4:45 p.m.

Card Club

Students will be introduced to new card games to play during club and at home.
Sponsors: Mrs. Bottom and Mrs. Terrell
Grade: 3-5
Dates: January 17, 24, 31 and February 7. 
Times: 3:45-4:45 p.m.

Breakout Club

A problem solving learning that allows students to collaborate in an engaging and challenging immersive gaming experience that they will love. 
Sponsors: Ms. Lopez and Mrs. Shenouda
Grades: 3rd-5th
Dates: Tuesdays- October 3, 10, 17, 24 and November 7, 14
Times: 3:45-4:45 p.m.

4th Grade Magic Club

Students will learn different magic tricks. Through this process, they will improve their confidence in performing in front of others and improve their social skills. We will also work on fine motor skills using palming and other hand techniques. 
Sponsors: Mr. Kociolek
Grade: 4
Dates: Tuesdays- January 16, 23, 30; February 6,13, 20, 27; March 5, 12, 19
Times: 3:45-4:45 p.m.

4th Grade Intramurals

Students will play games and sports with their peers after school. Intramurals are a great opportunity for students to engage in friendly competition, exercise, and skill building activities that are both fun and challenging.
Sponsors: Mr. Kociolek
Grade: 4
Dates: Every other Thursday-  September 14 and 28, October 5 and 19, November 2 and 16,  December 7 and 21,  January 11 and 25,  February 8 and 22, March 7 and 21, April 4 and 18, May 2.
Times: 3:45-4:45 p.m.

Meditation Club

Students will gather to learn different strategies to relax their minds and bodies. They will learn how to reflect on their day and see problems or stress in a different view. This club will help students learn to cope with emotions and stress in their day to day lives.
Sponsors: Mr. Glase and Mr. Kociolek
Grade: 4-5
Dates: September 15, 22, 29; October 5, 13, 20, 27; November 3, 17, 21; December 1, 8
Times: 8-8:40 a.m.

Student Council

Elected members plan and sponsor student service projects and spirit weeks.
Sponsors: Mrs. Emmick and Mrs. Kaiser
Grade: 4-5
Dates: Tuesdays- September 26, October 17, November 14, December 12, January 23, February 13 , March 5, April 16, May 21.
Times: 3:45-4:45 p.m.

4th and 5th Grade Coding Club

Students will explore the world of coding through digital and unplugged activities. They will build a foundation in 21st century skills and gain understanding of how they can use these skills in different careers!
Sponsors: Mrs. Adams and Mrs. Jackson
Grade: 4-5
Dates: April 22, 23, 24
Times: 7:45-8:40 a.m

Sprinting Sparks Running Club

Build your endurance each week with warmups, fun drills and activities, increasing distances, and cool downs. Focus will be on distance rather than time. All ability levels welcome. 
Sponsors: Mrs. Day and Mrs. O’Donnell 
Grade: 4-5
Dates: Tuesdays and Thursdays- April 2, 4, 9, 11, 16, 18, 23, 25, 30; May 2, 7, 9. 
Times: 3:45-4:45 p.m.

Yearbook Club

Design all aspects of the school yearbook this includes selecting the cover, designing pages, and taking pictures.
Sponsors: Mrs. Offord and Mrs. Springer
Grade: 4-5
Dates: Wednesdays- November 15, December 6 and 13, January 17 and 24, February 7 and 21.
Times: 3:45-4:45 p.m.

Cheer Club

Interested in learning cheer?  This is the club for you!  Join the Fulton Cheer Club, led by cheerleaders from CMS. 
Estimated Fee: $7.25: Includes a shirt and bow
Sponsors: Mrs. Day and Mrs. O’Donnell
Grade: 4-5
Dates: TBD in conjunction with CMS cheerleaders (Spring: 5 sessions, 1 hour each)
Times: 3:45-4:45 p.m.

Checkers and Chess Club

4th and 5th grade students are invited to learn and play the classic games of chess and checkers. 
Sponsors: Mr. Czak and Mrs. Rudolph
Grade: 4-5
Dates: Tuesdays: February 13, 20, 27; March 5, 12, 19
Times: 3:45-4:45 p.m.

Geography Club

Are you interested in maps? Are you curious about different places? Would you like to travel and experience other cultures some day? If so, then the Geography Club is for you!
Sponsors: Mrs. Rudolph
Grade: 4-5
Dates: Thursdays- April 4, 11, 18, 25 and May 2. 
Times: 3:45-4:45 p.m.

5th Grade Intramurals

Students will play games and sports with their peers after school. Intramurals are a great opportunity for students to engage in friendly competition, exercise, and skill building activities that are both fun and challenging.
Sponsors: Mr. Kociolek
Grade: 5
Dates: Every Wednesday
Times: 3:45-4:45 p.m.

Drama Club

Students will take part in a drama workshop including preparing monologues, improvising, taking headshots, and learning about past and present musicals. Students will rehearse and take part in a full musical.
Sponsors: Mr. Glase and Mrs. Jackson
Grade: 5
Dates: Mostly Thursdays- April 11, 18, 25 May 2, 8, 9, 10
Times: 8-8:40 a.m.

Juggling Club

Students will improve hand eye coordination while learning how to juggle three balls. Students will learn drills and skills that improve catching and coordination. 
Sponsors: Mr. Kociolek
Grade: 5
Dates: September 12, 19, 26 and October 3, 10 
Times: 3:45-4:45 p.m.

5th Grade Magic Club

Students will learn different magic tricks. Through this process, they will improve their confidence in performing in front of others and improve their social skills. We will also work on fine motor skills using palming and other hand techniques. 
Sponsors: Mr. Kociolek
Grade: 5
Dates: Tuesdays, October 17, 24; November 7, 14, 28; December 5, 12, 19
Times: 3:45-4:45 p.m.

Harry Potter Club

Welcome to all things Harry Potter! Students will explore J. K. Rowling’s magical world including houses, potions class, and more!
Sponsors: Mrs. Jackson
Grade: 5
Dates: October 10, 17, 24, and 31
Times: 8-8:40 a.m

5th Grade Art Club

Do you love painting, drawing, and sculpting?! Do you want to learn more about art? Do you want to explore more types of art? Then, 5th grade art club is for you! We'll work on finishing the paintings on Fulton's walls, we'll create 3D art out of paper mâché, we'll explore things you've always wanted to learn about, and more! 
Sponsors: Mrs. Adams and Mrs. Peters
Grade: 5
Dates: Thursdays- 9/28, 10/5, 10/12, 10/19, 10/25 (Wed.), 11/2, 11/9, 11/16
Times: 7:45-8:40 a.m.

Fulton Morning News
The Fulton Morning News is a weekly student broadcast featuring news from around the school , such as expectations, club highlights and upcoming announcements, as well as the weather, sports and the Stop, Drop and Move. It is shown weekly in all classrooms. 
Sponsors: Mrs. Kaiser, Mrs. Picchi, and Mrs. Clemmons
Grade: 5
Dates: Thursdays- Sept. 21st- May 16, 2024 (26 sessions divided by teams) 
Times: 3:45-4:45 p.m.

Please note: If students are not picked up from their club within 10 minutes of the ending time they will receive a strike. After 3 strikes in a school year the student will no longer be able to participate in Fulton clubs for the remainder of the year. 

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